View MineMarket Server Statistics

You can use the MineMarket Server statistics to view system status and help trouble-shoot issues.

Security Note: You need the Allow the user to view the Options screen and Server Statistics screen security right in the Menu user group user group security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Server Statistics.
  2. Review the following statistics:
    • Last State Query
    • State Engine—Details on the number of stockpiles and associated transactions that are loaded into memory for the state engine. This is controlled by the archive date, where only transactions and surveys after the archive date are loaded into memory. The size of the transaction count can inform archiving decisions.
    • Warehousing—Can be used to monitor the percentage completion of downstreaming.
    • Exporting—Can be used to check for errors if exporting is failing.
    • Server Save List
    • Server Object Cache
    • Server Calc Object Cache
    • Server Memory
    • Server Persistence (All clients)
    • Object Change Notification—Can be used to establish if any MineMarket Clients are connected; for example, if the MineMarket Server needs to be shut down for maintenance.
    • Client Save List—Can be used to check how many objects of each type are affected by unsaved changes made by the user; that is, which items are in the 'dirty list'.
    • Client Object Cache
    • Client Memory
    • Persistence (This client only)
    • Marketing Service—Can be used to monitor the percentage completion of long-running processes such as revaluations.
    • Scheduled Reports and BillboardsDetails of reports and billboards run by the MineMarket Export and Reports Service.
  3. To refresh the display, click Refresh.
  4. To configure the display to be updated automatically, check Auto Refresh, and enter the refreshing Interval, in seconds.