Debug an Object Event Script

Activity Steps

  1. In Visual Studio, place a breakpoint on the line required by adding this line of code:
  2. Start the MineMarket Server and a debug version of the MineMarket Client.
  3. On the Debug menu, select Attach to Process.

    The Attach to Process screen displays.

  4. In the Available Processes list, select BulkTrak.exe.
  5. Click Attach.
  6. Navigate to the object in the MineMarket Client and make changes as required to cause the object event script to run.

    Visual Studio loads a file containing the code paused on the breakpoint. The file has a unique name and no edits can be made.

    Important: Close the file when finished debugging. Failure to do so can cause problems when Visual Studio is reopened because the file may no longer exist.

  7. When debugging is complete, remove the System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break method from the script.

    Important: Do not release an object event script containing the debug break line, because this could cause the MineMarket to hang.

  8. In the Object Events (script editor) in MineMarket, recompile the script and save.