Historical Data Entry

Historical Data Entry icon Use the Historical Data Entry screen to enter historical data for MineMarket objects.

The Edit Historical Data link only displays if the Solution Explorer node is associated with an historical data set template.

To open this screen:

  1. Perform one of the following steps:
    1. To access historical data for an object from an historical data set template:
      1. Select the Supply Chain panel in the Solution Explorer.
      2. Expand the Historical Data » Historical Set Configuration Categories node.
      3. Double-click the historical data set template.
      4. The Historical Set Configuration displays.

      5. Right-click the object item in the Objects Associated With This Configuration table and select Edit Historical Data from the menu.
    2. To access historical data for an object from the Property Window:
      1. Select the MineMarket object in the Solution Explorer.
      2. Display the Property Window.
      3. Click Edit Historical Data.

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