Edit the MineMarket Application Configuration

Use this activity to configure the connection and security settings for the MineMarket services and the MineMarket Client using the Application Configuration Editor.

This activity updates the following files:

  • BulkTrak.Service.exe.config—Contains the configuration information for the MineMarket Service.
  • BulkTrak.Server.exe.config—Contains the configuration information for the MineMarket Server.
  • BulkTrak.MarketingService.exe.config—Contains the configuration information for the MineMarket Marketing Service.
  • BulkTrak.ExportAndReportsService.exe.config—Contains the configuration information for the MineMarket Exports and Reports Service.
  • MineMarketSearchSvc.exe.config—Contains the configuration information for the MineMarket Search Service.
  • DataMartService.exe.config, DataMartAgent.exe.config, DataService.exe.config and ReportingService.exe.config—Contain the configuration information for the MineMarket Information Services.
  • BulkTrak.exe.config—Contains the configuration information for the MineMarket Client.
  • Excel2007Sample.dll.config—Contains the configuration information for the MineMarket Excel Uploader.

All MineMarket services must be stopped before making changes to their configuration. The services can be restarted when configuration is complete.

Activity Steps

  1. On each machine where any MineMarket service is installed, navigate to the MineMarket installation folder and double-click AppConfig.exe.

    The Application Configuration Editor opens.

  2. In the MineMarket Common Service Settings category:
    1. Update the following connection details as required:

      Important: If changing any port numbers, review the summary of all Default Port Numbers.

      • MineMarket Service Endpoint—The connection URL for the MineMarket Service that specifies the communication protocol; the name or IP address of the server on which the MineMarket Service runs; and the TCP port on which the MineMarket Service listens to the MineMarket clients (including services that connect as a client). This port number must match the TCP port specified in the MineMarket Service configuration. Default: tcp://localhost:8085.
      • Object Change Notification Endpoint—The connection URL for the Object Change Notification Service that specifies the communication protocol; the name or IP address of the server on which the Object Change Notification Service runs; and the inbound TCP port used for object change notification by the MineMarket Marketing Service, MineMarket Export and Reports Service, and MineMarket Client. Default: net.tcp://localhost:8041.
      • Register Client Notification Endpoint—The connection URL for the Object Change Notification client that specifies the communication protocol; the name or IP address of the server on which the Object Change Notification client runs; and the outbound TCP port used for object change notification by the MineMarket Marketing Service, MineMarket Export and Reports Service, and MineMarket Client. Default: net.tcp://localhost:8030.
      • IMS Object Changed Client Endpoint—The connection URL for the Object Change Notification Client Service that specifies the communication protocol; the name or IP address of the server on which the Object Change Notification Client Service runs; and the inbound TCP port used for object change notification by the MineMarket Marketing Service, MineMarket Expo​rt and Reports Service, and MineMarket Client. Default: net.tcp://localhost:8040.
      • Service Status Notification Endpoint—The connection URL for the Service Status Listener Service that specifies the communication protocol; the name or IP address of the server on which the Service Status Listener Service runs; and the TCP port on which the services report their status to the MineMarket Service. Default: net.tcp://localhost:17040.
      • Search Service Endpoint—The connection URL for the Search Service that specifies the communication protocol; the name or IP address of the server on which the Search Service runs; and the TCP port on which the Search Service listens to the MineMarket clients. This port number must match the TCP port specified in the Search Service configuration. Default: net.tcp://localhost:18044.
      • Index Maintenance Service Endpoint—The connection URL for the Index Maintenance Service that specifies the communication protocol; the name or IP address of the server on which the Index Maintenance Service runs; and the TCP port on which the Index Maintenance Service listens to the MineMarket clients. This port number must match the TCP port specified in the Search Service configuration. Default: net.tcp://localhost:18045.
    2. Modify the Secure Tcp setting only if required. If True, the security mode for all TCP bindings is Transport. If False, the security mode for all TCP bindings is None. Default: True.

      Important: If the Secure Tcp setting is changed, the security mode for all related bindings must match. That is, the security mode of related bindings must either all be Transport or all be None. If you change this setting, ensure that any TCP bindings that have been added to configuration files for custom integrations are also updated. Transport security requires Active Directory integration ("Directory Service Integration" in server features: see System Configuration before Installing MineMarket), and the MineMarket Application Server must be a member of an Active Directory domain.

    3. Modify the Secure MSMQ setting only if required. Default: True.
    4. Select whether to Use SSL. Default: True.This setting must match the setting for the MineMarket Service. See Certificate Management and Configure the MineMarket Service.
    5. If Use SSL is True:
      1. Enter the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) specified in the server certificate as the SSL Target Name Override only if DNS cannot be used to resolve the address of the MineMarket Server machine using the server certificate SAN. For example, this field may be required if the MineMarket Server is installed on a virtual machine without access to a shared DNS.
      2. Enter the Keystore folder name where certificates are stored.
    6. Leave gRPC Tracers with its default setting of -all (with a prefixed hyphen) unless you need to debug the gPRC communication layer.
    7. Select whether to Use Remoting. Default: False.This setting must match the setting for the MineMarket Service. See Configure the MineMarket Service.
    8. If port sharing has been enabled on the server for object change notification, Port Sharing Enabled must be True. See System Configuration before Installing MineMarket. Default: True.
  3. For information related to configuration of the Marketing Service On-demand Orchestrator, see MineMarket Marketing Service Farms and Configure the Marketing Service On-demand Orchestrator. Not applicable for the MineMarket Client.
  4. In the Exports and Reports Service category, update the Export and Reports Service Endpoint as required. This connection URL specifies the communication protocol; the name or IP address of the server on which the Export and Reports Service runs; and the TCP port that the MineMarket Export and Reports Service uses to receive export service requests from the MineMarket Service. Default: tcp://localhost:8050.
  5. In the Marketing Service Progress Service category, update the Marketing Service Progress Status Server Endpoint as required. This connection URL specifies the communication protocol; the name or IP address of the server on which the Marketing Service Progress Service runs; and the TCP port on which the MineMarket Client communicates MineMarket Marketing Service progress notifications to the MineMarket Service. Default: http://localhost:8091.
  6. In the Data Mart Agent category, update the connection string to the MineMarket Data Mart Database as required:
    1. Click the arrow on the left of the Data Mart Database field to expand the connection string fields.
    2. Enter the name of the SQL Server that hosts the MineMarket Data Mart database. Default: localhost.
    3. Enter the Initial Catalog. If this database does not exist, a database with this name is created automatically when the MineMarket Data Mart Agent is run for the first time. Default: DataMart.
    4. Select whether to use Windows Integrated Security.
    5. If Integrated Security is False, enter the User ID and Password.
  7. For information related to the Custom Encryption Key, see Configure the MineMarket Service and Configure the IMS Integration Hub Service.
  8. Click OK.

    The Application Configuration Editor closes and updates the related configuration files.

  9. Configure the logon user for each service. See Configure the Logon User for each MineMarket Service.