Run the MineMarket Marketing Service in Console Mode
Use this activity to run the MineMarket Marketing Service (and, if enabled, the Marketing Service On-demand Orchestrator and the Marketing Service Farms) in a server console window. This can be used to troubleshoot problems associated with the MineMarket Marketing Service and the Marketing Service On-demand Orchestrator and Farms because status messages display in the server console window.
The following commands may be entered into the MineMarket Marketing Service console window:
- ?—Display the MineMarket Marketing Service console help.
- EXIT—Stop the MineMarket Marketing Service and exit the Marketing Service console.
- TRACE OFF—Disable the display of processing activity in the Marketing Service console.
- TRACE ON—Enable the display of processing activity in the Marketing Service console.
Activity Steps (Method 1)
Note: Use Method 1 if running the batch file means that the service is run with administrator permissions; otherwise, use Method 2.
- Navigate to the MineMarket installation folder.
- Double-click BulkTrak.MarketingService.Console.bat.
Note: The batch file uses the /CONSOLE parameter to run the MineMarket Marketing Service. If required, the /R parameter can be used as an alternative.
Activity Steps (Method 2)
- Open Windows Command Prompt screen with administrator permissions.
- Navigate to the MineMarket installation folder.
- Enter the following command:Copy
BulkTrak.MarketingService.exe /CONSOLE