Run the MineMarket Marketing Service in Console Mode

Use this activity to run the MineMarket Marketing Service (and, if enabled, the Marketing Service On-demand Orchestrator and the Marketing Service Farms) in a server console window. This can be used to troubleshoot problems associated with the MineMarket Marketing Service and the Marketing Service On-demand Orchestrator and Farms because status messages display in the server console window.

The following commands may be entered into the MineMarket Marketing Service console window:

  • ?—Display the MineMarket Marketing Service console help.
  • EXIT—Stop the MineMarket Marketing Service and exit the Marketing Service console.
  • TRACE OFF—Disable the display of processing activity in the Marketing Service console.
  • TRACE ON—Enable the display of processing activity in the Marketing Service console.

Activity Steps (Method 1)

Note: Use Method 1 if running the batch file means that the service is run with administrator permissions; otherwise, use Method 2.

  1. Navigate to the MineMarket installation folder.
  2. Double-click BulkTrak.MarketingService.Console.bat.

    Note: The batch file uses the /CONSOLE parameter to run the MineMarket Marketing Service. If required, the /R parameter can be used as an alternative.

Activity Steps (Method 2)

  1. Open Windows Command Prompt screen with administrator permissions.
  2. Navigate to the MineMarket installation folder.
  3. Enter the following command:
    BulkTrak.MarketingService.exe /CONSOLE