Default Port Numbers

Important: If changing any port numbers ensure that port numbers that are used in multiple configuration files continue to match. For example, if changing port 8001, it must be changed in all applicable configuration files and applications.

IMS Integration Hub Server / IMS Integration Hub Service

Inbound ports:

  • TCP port for the Transaction service (service endpoint IMSTransactionService): 8001
  • TCP port for the Transaction Subscription service (service endpoint IMSTransactionSubscriptionService): 8003
  • TCP port for the Transaction Retriever (service endpoint TransactionRetriever): 8005
  • TCP port for MineMarket object change notification (IMSObjectChanged), which must match the equivalent port in other MineMarket clients: 8041
  • TCP port for ActiveMQ: 61616

Outbound ports:

  • TCP port for the Transaction service (client endpoint IMSTransactionService): 8001
  • TCP port for MineMarket object change notification (IMSRegisterClientForNotification), which must match the equivalent port in other MineMarket clients: 8030
  • TCP port for reporting service status (IServiceStatusListener): 17040
  • TCP port for ActiveMQ: 61616