Export Mapped Objects

Mapped objects, such as discontinuities, survey lines and points, and scanlines, can be exported from Sirovision for use in other applications.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Analysis menu.
  2. Select Export from the Reports menu group.

    The Export Wizard displays.

  3. Select Mapped Objects.

    The Mapped Objects Export options page displays.

  4. Select the 3D image from which to export the mapped object data. The selected image is highlighted in orange.
  5. Select which objects to export from the following options.
    • Discontinuities – All mapped discontinuities. Can be exported in one of the following formats.
      • Text – ASCII formatted text file.
      • CSV – Comma Separated Excel spreadsheet.
      • DXF – Data Exchange File format used by most CAD software products.
      • Datamine – Datamine DM data interchange format.
      • Dips – DIPS compatible format file.
      • Surpac – SURPAC (STR) string format file.
      • MineSight – MINESIGHT (XYZ) compatible file format.
    • Survey Lines and Points – All mapped survey lines and points. Survey lines are exported as X, Y, Z coordinates of the nodes used to plot the survey line, which includes the end-to-end length of the line. Survey Points are exported as X, Y, Z coordinates of the survey point. Survey lines and points can be exported in any of the following formats.
      • Text – ASCII formatted text file.
      • CSV – Comma separated Excel spreadsheet.
      • DXF – Data Exchange File format used by most CAD products.
      • Datamine – Datamine DM data interchange format.
    • Scanlines – All mapped scanlines. Scanlines are exported in a standard reporting format in any of the following formats. See Scanlines for more information.
      • Text – ASCII format text file.
      • CSV – Comma Separated Excel spreadsheet.
  6. If exporting Discontinuities, configure the fields in the Options group as required.
    • Export Spatial Data – Whether to include the spatial data representing the mapped discontinuities.
    • Nodes – Export the easting, northing and height data for each node or point mapped on the image that makes up a trace or plane.
    • Disc Outlines – Export each discontinuity’s fitted plane as 37 points representing a circle with a diameter equal to the persistence of the discontinuity. This allows for the visualisation of planes in other software packages.
    • Export All Points
    • Attributes – Select which attributes to include in the output by selecting the required items in the Excluded Attributes list and clicking the right arrow button to move the items into the Included Attributes list.

      Note: Attributes display in the output file in the order they are listed in the Included Attributes column.

  7. Select the Destination Folder to save the exported files to, by clicking the ellipsis (...).
  8. Click Next.
  9. Click Finish.