Import and Map Data

To access this screen:

  • Run the command "drillhole-importer". The Import screen displays by default.

The Import screen is part of Drillhole Importer.

You import component drillhole tables such as assays, collars and survey data using the Import screen. You also set up data import scenarios with different import, validation and desurvey scenarios.

Another important function of this screen is field mapping. Whilst you can simply replicate imported field names in the output static drillhole file, you can also map to a different name, say, to adhere to an established naming convention that fits in with existing macros and scripts downstream. You can also convert incoming data using formulae. For example, you could convert all input coordinate collar fields to 2 decimal places.

Once importation is complete, the scenario can potentially be exported to other systems, ensuring a consistent desurveying process between separate projects for the same data. Other scenario functions are accessed using the toolbar provided.

Note: Whilst a typical drillhole importation scenario includes a Survey file, one is optional. If you decide to desurvey without a survey database, all data is assumed to be vertical, and this is highlighted when you actually desurvey the validated input data on the Desurvey screen.

Managing Scenarios

Importation scenarios are managed using the toolbar at the top of Drillhole Importer.

  1. Scenario selection list.
  2. Create a new scenario.
  3. Copy the existing scenario to a new one.
  4. Delete the current scenario.
  5. Import a scenario.
  6. Export a scenario.

Note: All Drillhole Importer table columns can be dynamically resized.

To import a component drillhole table:

  1. Open Drillhole Editor.
  2. Use the Scenarios toolbar (see "Managing Scenarios", above) to create a new scenario, or copy an existing one, if required.
  3. Define a data connection by expanding the Add Connection list.
  4. Pick a data connection type:
    • acQuire - Import data from a Datamine acQuire database.
    • Fusion - Import data directly from a Datamine Fusion Geological Data Management System. This can be a local or remote database.
    • ODBC - Import data from an ODBC-compliant data source, such as Excel, for example.

    Alternatively, expand Define tables for import to select the format of data to be imported the next time a table is added, choosing from a default table type;

    • Text: CSV with Header - import a comma-delimited text file. No driver option screens display.
    • Text: Tabbed - import a text file containing data delimited by a tab. No driver option screens display.
    • Text: Tables - import text data using the text data source driver. All driver option screens display.
  5. Add a table to be imported.

    • To import a file and let Drillhole Importer determine the component Type (assays, surveys etc.):

      1. Click Add Table.
      2. Locate and select the target drillhole component data item.
      3. Depending on the select data format, import screens will appear specific to the selected data connection type (for example, if importing a text table, you define a delimiting character or field widths, but if importing via an ODBC Excel data source, you select a worksheet).

        Complete the screens to configure your external data import.

      4. The imported file displays in the menu structure in the most appropriate folder.
    • To import a file into a particular folder:

      1. Right-click any folder in the menu.

      2. Select Add Table.

      3. Locate and select the target drillhole component file.
      4. Click Open.
      5. Depending on the select data format, other import screens may appear (e.g. to define a delimiting character or field widths). Complete these screens.
      6. The imported file display in the menu structure in the most appropriate folder.
    • To preview the contents of an imported file in the Tables window of your application:

      1. Right-click any folder in the menu.

      2. Select View Table.

        Your application displays a Tables window, showing the initial records of the specified file.

        Note: This file preview is not editable and does not update automatically if subsequent file changes are made.

    • To drag and drop CSV data from your operating system:

      1. Display the CSV data file(s) you wish to add to Drillhole Importer.
      2. Drag and drop one or more files into the Import screen.

        Imported files appear on the Import screen, automatically categorized based on the detection of fields in the file.

  6. Review the table properties on the left of the screen:

    • Name: The name of the file as it appeared on disk. You can change this by typing a new name if you want. Click the name to edit and press <ENTER> to update.

    • Source: The original location of the imported file. This can't be edited.

    • Type: Displays the data format, and is linked to the selection made using Define tables for import.

    • No Recs: The number of independent data records in the imported file.

    • Mapped: Shows a green tick if all fields in the file have been successfully mapped (see below for a mapping activity). A red cross appears if the data is not yet mapped. Tables must be mapped to continue.

    • Date last imported: This is updated each time a file is imported or reimported (see below for a reimporting activity).

Tip: Imported tables can be dragged between different folders.

To map imported fields to fields in the output static drillhole file:

  1. On the left of the screen, select an imported drillhole table containing attributes to be mapped.

    The Field Definitions table updates to show the following columns:

    • Include: If checked, the associated attribute will be included in the desurveying process. If unchecked, it will be ignored. By default, all attributes of the selected file are included.

      Tip: select multiple records using SHIFT and CTRL key shortcuts, then right-click any selected field and choose Include or Exclude to change the status of multiple fields at once.

    • Column Name: The name of the data attribute in the selected file. This field is read-only.

    • Mapping Type: Select the general attribute type, with respect to the desurveying process. This will be one of the following:

      • None: The attribute doesn't relate directly to desurveying, i.e. it doesn't relate to drillhole assay, density, bearing, dip or interval definition (FROM, TO etc.). In this case, the Output Name will match the Column Name by default (but can be changed).

      • BHID: A unique identifier for a drillhole. Can only be set for one attribute.

      • At: Represents an interval's AT value. Can only be set for one attribute.

      • FROM: Represents an interval's FROM value. Can only be set for one attribute.

      • TO: Represents an interval's TO value. Can only be set for one attribute.

      • X/Y/Z: Any recognizable coordinate field name will be automatically mapped to X, Y or Z.

      • Length: The length of an interval.

      • Density: A density field.

      • Dip: The dip of the sample.

      • Bearing: The bearing of the sample.

      • Assay: An attribute containing assay values.

      Note: Drillhole Importer attempts to automatically map imported attribute types if recognizable attribute names are detected, including from 3rd party vendors such as Leapfrog®. These automatic assignments can be overridden.

    • Output Name: The name of the attribute included in the desurveyed output drillhole file. Editable field.

    • Formula: If a formula is used to calculate the value of a numeric attribute, it will appear here. Clicking in this cell accesses the Edit Formula screen. See Edit Formula.

    • Source Tables: Displays the imported table or tables from which the attribute was derived. For example, BHID is likely to be found in multiple tables.

    • Alpha Width: If the field is alphanumeric, its width is shown here. This is not editable.

  2. If you want to remove ignored attributes from the field mapping table, check Show selected columns. Otherwise, all attributes, included or otherwise, are displayed.

    Note: You can reimport all drillhole tables at any time (to update the Drillhole Importer with the latest source file changes) using Re-import.

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