Edit Ellipsoid

Creating a new search ellipsoid

Edit Ellipsoid

To access this dialog:

  • Run the command "edit-ellipsoid"

  • Use the quick keys 'eel'.

This dialog is used to edit ellipsoids stored within a loaded ellipsoids object.

The command is used to select an ellipsoid and edit its size, location and/or orientation. The general procedure for editing an ellipsoid is:

  1. Run the command
  2. Select an ellipsoid with the picker tool (in any ellipsoid object, if displayed).
  3. Enter the new Position, Size and/or Rotation details.
  4. Optionally, you can Expand or Shrink the selected ellipsoid (in all directions) using the buttons provided. Lengths will be scaled by 25% of the displayed value.
  5. Click Apply to update the selected ellipsoid, or OK to do the same and dismiss the dialog.

Field Details:

Select ellipsoid: use the picker tool to interactively select an ellipsoid (in any 3D window). Once selected, the Edit Ellipsoid dialog will update to show the selected item's properties.

Position: either enter the required XYZ (world) coordinates for the new centroid position of your selected ellipsoid, or use the interactive picker button and select a location in any 3D view. Note that this position will be applied to the selected ellipsoid when Apply or OK is clicked.

Size: configure the length of the ellipsoid in any of the 3 ellipsoid axes. The selected ellipsoid will be adjusted when Apply or OK is clicked.

Scale: use the Expand or Shrink buttons to alter the current axis dimensions (globally) by 25%.

Rotation: configure the orientation of the selected ellipsoid (Azimuth, Dip, Roll). You can also quickly perform a 90 degree rotation about any axis using the buttons to the right of each field.

The selected ellipsoid will be adjusted when Apply or OK is clicked.

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Ellipsoids Overview
The Ellipsoids Folder (Sheets)