
Your product is packed with information to help you get the most of your system.

The "Stack of Books" icon at the top right of the screen is one way to access the Datamine library; this help file, tutorials, system information and web resources are found here.

  • Datamine Web Site: access
  • 3D Tutorial: learn more about the 3D window, visualization and simulations with this tutorial.
  • Scripting Tutorial: automating Studio RM - how to use the powerful customization interface with useful scripted examples.
  • Macros Tutorial: understand more about your application's meta-language.
  • Data Presentation Tutorial: learn about report-ready plotting, strip log generation and other hardcopy possibilities.
  • Scripting COM Reference - for scripters and customizers: explore the Datamine Studio object model to provide functionally-rich automation scripts.
  • About Studio: shows the current application version, plus access to useful system information and 3rd party credits.

Still need help?

Datamine provides bespoke and self-paced eLearning for all maintained clients.

You can also find out loads more about your product using the Datamine Support Website.

Of course, if you can't find what you need, you can contact your local Datamine office for guidance.