
See this command in the command table.

To access this command:

  • Sample Analysis ribbon | Domains | Assign

  • Using the command line, enter "assign-lithology"

Command Overview

Select drillhole samples based on a lithology key field and assign lithological values (grouped or ungrouped). This command is commonly used in conjunction with group-lithology.

The input to this command is a desurveyed file containing a key field to be edited. The output is an updated file.

This command uses the Assign Lithology screen to provide interactive functionality.

Command steps:

  1. Run the command.

  2. Select a loaded drillhole object and field representing lithology values.

  3. Select one or more samples to which you wish to assign a lithology. You can select drillholes interactively in the 3D view by box-dragging, or picking with or without keyboard modifiers (e.g. <CTRL> for multiple, independent selections).

  4. Select the lithology you wish to apply using the left hand list. If you wish, create a New value to apply.

  5. Choose a colour to associate with the lithology.

  6. Assign the lithology to the selected sample(s).

  7. To remove assignments:

    1. Select one or more samples to unassign its current lithology.
    2. Select Unassign currently selected sample(s). This will revert the selected Field to absent for the selected items.

  8. To highlight all samples with a particular lithology:

    1. Select the value to be highlight in the left hand list,

    2. Select All to select/highlight all corresponding drillhole sample data.

      Note: this will not change assignment properties for the selected samples.

  9. To remove a lithology from the list (and the underlying data table):

    1. Select the value(s) to remove,

    2. Click Delete. This will remove the assignment from all samples of the selected table, after confirmation.

Related Information and Activities