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Turn on or off the use of the loaded model slope angle and berm width values when projecting or offsetting strings/perimeters.

note.gif (1017 bytes)

A block model file must be loaded before this command can be run.


How to use

If turned on then the face angle for string projection at a point will be derived from the value in the cell model SLOPE field. This value will take preference over rosettes and the default value. If the value is absent it will be ignored. It is not possible to turn the use of the SLOPE field on if there is no cell model file or if the cell model file contains no SLOPE field. The initial setting is off.

The other required field is BERMWDTH. Current berm width settings will be ignored, superseded by the BERMWDTH specifications, allowing different berm widths for different areas in a pit.

This toggle is generally used when running the open pit design commands but can also be used with the various string offsetting commands listed in the Related Topics list below.


  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics




