Project File Types Reference

Studio 3 Project File icons, and what they indicate.


Project files can be of various types; data files can be loaded as Single Precision or Extended Precision.

Data can be imported from a data source, a simple text file, found within the project folder or externally and other variations, and combinations of scenarios. For this reason, project files are represented by a combination of an identifying icon, and specific formats for each file description.

This topic outlines the different formats that can be displayed when working with project files.

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The current view of project icons in theProject Filescontrol bar will be correct up to the last time it was refreshed. Changes to the precision values of files, or other settings that may affect a file's status, do not automatically instigate an update of the respective file icon(s) in the control bar.

You can use the <F5> key, or click the Refresh icon to rebuild the project 'tree' with the latest icons indicating the status of files.

Project File Icons

Certain areas of your application display project files in iconic format, for example, the Project Files control bar and the Project Browser dialog.

Each file type is represented by a unique icon. The table below shows the different iconic identifiers available:


File Type



Project Icon

Top-level project icon shown at the top of the Project Files, Loaded Data, Holes and Sheets control bars.

Closed Folder

Indicates a closed (collapsed) tree item. These items can be expanded to show the items within it.

Open Folder

Indicates an open (expanded) tree item. Expanded items show the items relevant to that menu section.

Imported File

This overlay icon can be applied to other icon combinations, for example, an Excel® or ASCII text file to show that it has been subject to the Data Import process, using Data Source Drivers.

External File

This overlay icon indicates that the file is not located within the currently defined project directory.

File Not Found

Indicates a file that is associated with the current project, but could not be found in the location specified in the project file.

Single Precision

Indicates a single precision file (i.e. numeric values are stored as integers) loaded from a legacy data source. It will be automatically converted to extended precision if saved.

Extended Precision

Indicates an extended precision file (i.e. numeric values are stored as floating point values)

Text File

Indicates an ASCII text file that is not associated with any other default application.


In addition to the above icons, the list may also include system default icons for established file types (a comma delimited file may be associated with a Microsoft Excel® icon, for example.

Other Conditional Formatting

As well as associating project files with a particular icon, you application also formats the text used for the file name to indicate the state of the file in question, providing this option is enabled on your OS. This is DISABLED by default. To enable this option select Tools | Options in Windows Explorer, and select the option Show encrypted or compressed NTFS files in color.



Indicates an uncompressed file format.

Indicates a compressed file format

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Project Files Control Bar Overview