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Generate centerlines for all selected string data, treating the selected strings as perimeters. One or more closed strings must be pre-selected to use this command (you will be unable to select Generate unless this is done).

Centrelines will either be generated on a flat plane, or on the theoretical 'surface' the outline represents, if it were filled.

Optionally, you can transfer the selected string attribute data to the generated centerline(s). Centerline data will be added to the current string object.

How to Use

  1. Select one or more closed strings

  2. Run the command.

  3. Define your centreline generation parameters using the Generate Centerlines from Selected Outlines dialog.

  4. Click Generate to create centerline data. This will be added to the current string object.

  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


Create Centerlines from Selected Outlines