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Evaluate all visible string overlay objects against either a block model or drillholes,by projecting strings perpendicular to a mean average plane through the vertices of all string points.

All strings will be evaluated regardless of their selection status, although strings that are not displayed due to filtering will not be included in the analysis.

Strings can be in any position, and can be co-planar. This command, effectively, will run the evaluate-1-string command multiple times in order to prepare results for either individual evaluation blocks, or a combined volume comprising all extruded strings.

(missing or bad snippet)

How to use

  1. Run the command.

  2. In the Evaluation Settings dialog, set the Near Projection Distance. This is the distance 'out of the screen' that the selected string(s) will be projected in order to form a volume.

  3. Similarly, set the Far Projection Distance. This is the distance 'into the screen' that the selected string(s) will be projected in order to form a volume.

  4. Set the First BlockID identifier. This will be assigned to the model blocks encompassed by the volume of the first selected string. It will be incremented for other string entities automatically, using the BlockID Increment.

  5. Enter a Default Density (to be used where a DENSITY field does not exist, or values are absent in the loaded model.

    note.gif (1017 bytes)

    The Default Density setting persists between the static evaluation commands, but can be adjusted in any of them, if appropriate.

  6. Click OK to display the Evaluation Results panel. This shows the tonnes and volume for each distinct string entity. By default, each string is reported as a separate block of results, but these can be combined using the Combine Block Results command.

note.gif (1017 bytes)

The evaluation results can be saved to a new object using the Save Results option in the results dialog. It will then be listed in the Loaded Data control bar. Any existing evaluation results of the same name will be overwritten.


This command performs the equivalent of evaluate-1-string on all currently filtered strings.

   openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


Evaluation Commands - Results Table
Evaluation - Reports


>>>>>>> local