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ribbon | Operations | Boolean | Solid Hull


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Finds the outer surface of overlapping solid wireframes within the same selected object or wireframe triangle selection..

Performs the equivalent of a series of wireframe-union operations on pairs of wireframes until all the outer surfaces are combined into a single solid shape. Resolves any overlaps in the selected wireframe.

  • More than one wireframe surface must be present in the selected wireframe object, or selected triangle data, for this command to be used. All surfaces will be combined into a single 3D hull object.

Note: This command supports flexible wireframe selection.

How to Use

  1. If the data you wish to hull is within selected triangles, you can either select data before or after launching the command, but before execution.

  2. Run the command.

  3. In the Solid Hull dialog, either select the wireframe object using the drop down list or choose the Selected triangles option.

  4. Click OK.

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wireframe-unionSelecting Wireframe Data