Data Import Dialog

An explanation of fields and properties.

The Data Import dialog is used to define the driver category and data type settings so that the correct data source driver is used to either importing or load the selected non-Datamine format file.

Field Details:

The following fields are available:

Driver Category: select a category of file. Selecting an option will update the Data Type list with appropriate file types.

Data Type: when a category has been chosen, the Data Type will determine the specific driver to be used during import.

OK: displays a file browser dialog, allowing you to locate the file to be imported using the specified driver.

About Driver: click this button to show information relating to the driver file associated with the category/type combination.

Driver Help: displays a context Help file for the selected driver type.


  1. Select the category of file you wish to import.

  2. Select the type of file you wish to import.

  3. Import the file with the selected data source driver.

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