Configuration File Reference

Warning: Updating system components can impact all users of the active Studio Mapper database and/or system configuration file. Changes should be made in a safe, testable environment before rolling out to a live system.

Studio Mapper uses an XML framework to store site-specific settings. These customizations align Studio Mapper's data entry screens with your current operational standards.

A configuration file is used to define parameters for the following:

  • Map type configurations (full drive, partial drive, face etc.)

  • The reporting template used for a map type

  • Channel sample standard details

  • Channel sample area overlap and profile discrepancy tolerances

  • Channel sample naming convention

  • Channel sample attribute scope (either a single value per channel, or independent for each sample)

  • Drive profile formatting

  • Map and channel sample naming conventions

  • Map feature data objects and their associated formatting (3D template assignment)

  • Map, feature and channel attributes and validation

  • Lookup table contents

  • Sketch, comments, georeference plane and pictures object appearance (3D window and output reports)

  • Map grid format and origin

  • How channel sample attributes are mapped to a corresponding table in a connected Datamine Fusion database.

  • If an attribute within an object must contain unique values, such as where a channel sample or sample ID is being defined, for example.

  • Objects used to host vertical section data, and the attributes supported by those objects.

  • If vertical section data includes offset data to permit off-map drillholes

  • Information about how vertical section outline data is visualized.

Note: Some user interface elements, such as the Channel Samples, Areas and Features tabs of the Mapping Task Bar will only appear if appropriate configuration file elements are present.

Studio Mapper's XML reference information, including modular examples is available on Datamine's Support Website. A login is required (please contact your local Datamine office if you don't have one yet).

Note: A sample configuration file is installed with Studio Mapper. You can find it in your Studio Mapper installation folder under the "Templates" sub-folder. The file is called ExampleStudioMapperConfig.mpcfg.

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