Create Isoshells - Input

Describing fields and properties

Create Isoshells - Input

To access this dialog:

Field Details:

Input Group

This group allows you to select the sample file (usually a drillhole or points file), and associated coordinate fields.

 Sample File: click the Ellipsis button to browse to the required sample file - this must be a datamine-format table in the current project which contains x,y,z data. When selected, it is displayed in the Sample File:box.

 X Field: using the drop-down list, select the field from the sample file which contains the X coordinate information.

 Y Field: using the drop-down list, select the field from the sample file which contains the Y coordinate information.

 Z Field: using the drop-down list, select the field from the sample file which contains the Z coordinate information.

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The drop-down lists are populated when you select a sample file, and contain all numeric fields found within it.



Isolevel Values Group

This group allows you to select the type of isoshells to be generated, and specify the field of interest and isolevel values.

Type: Isoshells can be generated for either Continuous or Categorical values. The type you select determines several subsequent options in the Create IsoShells dialog: more...

  • Continuous - values vary continuously between samples - for example, grade. In isoshells created using continuous values, interpolated values between sample data are created. This type of value is numeric.

  • Categorical-  a specific set of values with no numerical relationship between them - for example, zone or rock type. Samples with a specific target value are used rather than interpolated values. This type of value is numeric or alphanumeric.

Value Field: using the drop-down list, select the field which contains the values being interpreted - depending on the type of isolevel you select, either alphanumeric or numeric fields are displayed. This value will be reported on at the end of the Create Isoshells process, in the Isoshell Report dialog.

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Subsequently changing the isolevel type may result in a different default field being displayed in this drop-down list, if the previous selection was incompatible with the requested type.


Weighting Field: an optional field which is used for interpolation - only available for Continuous isolevels.

Values:this section allows isolevel values to be entered - either individually or as a range. The Value List on the right-hand side of the dialog shows currently-selected values.

Add Single Value: allows you to enter values individually.

Value: type a value in the box, and click the adjacent Arrow button to send the value to the Value List on the right-hand side of the dialog. If the Value Field you specified is numeric, only numeric values are permitted - an error message is displayed if text is submitted.

Pressing the <Enter> key while the focus is on the Value box will add the value to the list, and then clear the Value box.


Add Values From Range: allows multiple, equally-spaced values to be entered at a single time by specifying minimum, maximum and step values.  Values are added to the Isolevel list by clicking the arrow, starting at the minimum value, and adding values at intervals specified in the Step: box, until the maximum value is exceeded. When you select a field from the Value Field: drop-down list, the values in the Minimum: and Maximum: boxes are automatically updated to reflect the limits associated with this value.

Minimum: the minimum value contained within the field selected in theValue Field: drop-down list.

Maximum: the maximum value contained within the field selected in theValue Field: drop-down list.

Step: the amount by which the values in the Value List box are incremented - the default is '1'.

Value List: lists values in numeric or alphabetical order, and removes any duplicate values. Select individual items by clicking them: use the <SHIFT> key to select a range of values, and the <CTRL> key for multiple selections. Delete selected items by pressing <Delete> on your keyboard, or clear the list by clicking Remove All.

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If the value selected in theValue Field:drop-down listis subsequently changed to a numeric field, any text entries in the list are purged.


Remove All: clears all values in the Value Listbox.

Restore: after generating isoshells by clicking OK, clicking Restore allows parameters, which are automatically saved, to be restored.

OK: generates isoshells using the parameters which you have specified.

Cancel: closes the Create IsoShells dialog without saving any parameters.

  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


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