Sheets Control Bar

Using the Sheets Control Bar

Sheets Control Bar

Displaying or hiding this control bar:

  • The Sheets control bar is disabled by default but can be displayed/hidden using the toggle-sheets-bar command

The Sheets control bar is used to manage the various data window's sheets, projections, views and overlays.

Only visible data object overlays are listed in this control bar - you cannot use it to manage other non-visual data tables (this is the responsibility of the Loaded Data control bar).

The Sheets control bar also lets you manage the data objects from which overlays are derived; you can save, load, unload, reload and refresh data objects as well as making the parent object "current" (find out more about the current object concept..)

With regards to the object overlay (remember, this is just one representation of a data object, and possibly one of many in memory), the Sheets control bar manages displaying and hiding items, formatting overlays and editing the associated overlay visual settings.

Follow the links below to find out more:


The Sheets Toolbar

Context Menus


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For more information on the viewing hierarchy in your application, see View Hierarchy.


About the Sheets Control Bar

The Sheets control bar is situated on the left of the main display window, in a default installation. It can be docked or floated, shown or hidden as any other control bar (see Customizing Control Bars). Making extensive use of the right-click (context) menu system, the Sheets control bar can be used to access commands and functions related to both individual items, and groups of items, depending at which point in the data hierarchy a menu is selected.

The data window to which the selected item(s) relate (3D, Plots etc.) will also determine the functions that are available in a given menu. For example, you can access the Strings Properties dialog by right-clicking a string object (in the Strings sub-folder of the main folder) and selecting Properties, e.g.:

The Sheets Toolbar

This toolbar is located at the top of the Sheets control bar and contains the following buttons:



Load points data and create a default 3D window overlay.

Load string data and create a default 3D window overlay.

Load drillhole (static) data and create a default 3D window overlay.

Load wireframe data and create a default 3D window overlay.

Load block model data and create a default 3D window overlay.

Load planes data and create a default 3D window overlay.

Import a non-Datamine format file using the Data Source Drivers.

Export a loaded data object to a Datamine or non-Datamine format file. Opens the Object to Export dialog.

Display the Data Object Manager.

Unload data objects from memory, from the list provided by the Data Unload dialog.

Unload all data objects and overlays from memory, after confirmation

What Do the Different Text Formats Mean?

This control bar lists, amongst other things, a list of loaded 3D overlays. Overlays can be created either automatically by creating data of a new data type (e.g. the first string in a new project session, where no previous string object exists) or manually, say, by duplicating an existing overlay with Copy.

The text format used to describe each overlay provides information on the status of the data object to which it relates.

Bold font The overlay is used to represent the "current" 3D object for a particular data type. More about current objects...
Italicized font The overlay represents a 3D object for which there are unsaved 3D changes*


*The important description here is "3D", or something in the underlying data table for the object has changed and hasn't yet been saved. Visual formatting changes are ignored.

You can have any combination of font formatting; a bold, italicized overlay label represents a current data object for which there are unsaved changes.

Context Menus

A wide variety of functions can be accessed using the Sheets control bar. The menu that is produced depends on:

  • The data window that is currently active.

  • The 'level' in the tree at which the folder is selected.

Generally, the options available can also be accessed using alternative methods such as the drop-down menu system, or icon toolbars, however, the sheets menu provides a quick, context-sensitive way of managing components of the View Hierarchy.

The relevant folder structure for your active data window (3D, Plots etc.) will be automatically expanded when the window is activated. In addition, folders pertaining to non-active windows will be collapsed (although you can still re-expand them - editing a non-active window item will automatically enable the relevant data window).

For more information on the available folder menus, select a link from below:


  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


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