wf-intersections ("sfi")

See this command in the command table.

To access this command:

  • Use the command line

Command Overview

Takes two wireframes and creates string outlines where they have triangles that intercept.

You can either create the intersection string for full objects or you can preselect wireframe triangles beforehand and generate an intersection of the selected data only.

Attribute Inheritance

Generated string data inherits attributes from the Wireframe 1.

  • Attributes for each string edge will match the corresponding triangle in the first wireframe.

  • If the first wireframe doesn't have any non-system attributes, no attributes are inherited.

Command steps:

  1. If required, select the wireframe triangles to be used in intersection creation (these can also be selected after the Strings From Intersections screen opens).

  2. Run the wf-intersections command.

    The Strings from Intersections screen displays.

  3. Select two separate wireframe objects using either the drop downs or the picking tools.

  4. Check Verify for any wireframe object that has not previously been verified.

  5. If one or both of the wireframes is open, or possibly open (i.e., not a watertight volume) check Open.

  6. Click OK.

    String data is created at the intersection point(s) of the two wireframes.


Original Wireframe Objects

Resultant Wireframe Objects

Object 1

Object 2

Note: This functionality is also available using the BOOLEAN process (@METHOD=5)

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