The Command Toolbar

The Command toolbar, often referred to as the 'command line' is used to run, cancel and search for interactive design commands and processes.


The Command Toolbar

Like other toolbars, you can position this one wherever you want on the screen, or even have it floating above other screen items. You can also customize the contents of the bar. See Toolbars.

Note: The Command toolbar can be shown or hidden using the Show menu.

The Command toolbar is also used to enter contextual data, such as coordinate information when Command Line Coordinates or where an interactive response is required, say, from a macro if it includes a !PROMPT statement (PROTOM is an example of this).

Whenever you run a process, check the Command control bar for:

  • additional process input prompts (this does not happen for all processes),

  • warning or error messages,

  • a message indicating that the process has run to completion and that an output file has been generated.

Each time a process is run, its progress is reported in the Command control bar.

For a full list of commands and processes, see the Command Table.

Tip: You can cut and paste text into and out of the Command toolbar.

Running a Command or Process

Commands and processes can be run using one of the following methods:

  • Typing in the name of the command or process in the editable field and pressing <ENTER> or clicking Run Command,

  • Selecting a previously run command or process from the drop-down list (it will automatically run when selected). Previous entries are shown in order of recency.

  • Using the Find Command dialog (see below).

If a process or command requires additional user input, the Command control bar will display a text message prompt, and the Command Line is highlighted yellow, for example:

The same applies when entering command line coordinates.

This indicates that the information required must be entered before the next step is accessed.

Cancelling a Command or Process

Cancelling a process/command in progress is done using one of the following:

  • Clicking Cancel Command

  • Pressing <Esc>

  • Typing '!' in the Command Line (if responding to a process prompt).

Finding Commands

The Find Command button, on the far right of the Command toolbar, can be used to display the Find Command screen. See Find Command.

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