Connect on Gradient

To access this screen:

  • Edit ribbon >> Condition >> Condition >> Connect on Gradient.
  • Surfaces ribbon >> Condition >> Connect on Gradient.

  • Using the command line, enter "connection-on-grade"

  • Use the quick key combination "cog".

  • Display the Find Command screen, locate connection-on-grade and click Run.

This screen is displayed when running the connection-on-grade command, which generates a string between a 3D point and another string, at a specified gradient.

You  must first identify a 3D point for the start of the new string(s), followed by the string with which the new string must connect. You  must then enter the required gradient. The units and up/down convention for this can be modified with the Gradient Convention screen.

New strings are generated from the starting point to any point along the other string (this may be onto a segment or vertex), matching the supplied gradient.

To connect a point to a string at a specified gradient:

  1. Load your landmark point and string data. The point data represents the start of the connection string to be created, and the loaded string the destination.

  2. Run the connection-on-grade command.

  3. Specify the gradient of the new connecting string in degrees, to be formed between the initial point and the selected string, by entering a numeric (positive or negative) numeric value into the Gradient of Strings (degrees) field.

  4. Click OK.

    A connection string is formed between the original point and destination string if such a connection is possible.

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