Calculate Outputs

To access this panel:

  • Display the Point Reconstruction Console and select the Calculate Outputs panel. This panel is only accessible if the appropriate input points data has been prepared for the chosen reconstruction method.

This panel is used to generate wireframe data based on input point cloud information and your specified parameters.

Method Prerequisites

You can calculate an output surface from point cloud data if:

  • You are using either the Watertight or Fast Advance reconstruction method and have defined an input point cloud file name and location using the Define Scenario panel. Optionally, you have Subsampled your data.

  • You are using the Ball Pivot reconstruction method and have defined an input point cloud file name and location using the Define Scenario panel. You have also defined a Ball radius using the Configure Surfacing panel. Optionally, you have Subsampled your data.

  • You are using either the Poisson, SSD or Balanced reconstruction method, have defined an input point cloud name using the Define Scenario panel. You have completed the Calculate Normals panel and Configure Surfacing parameters. Optionally, you have Subsampled your data.

    Note: If you attempt to generate a surface with one of the interpolative methods, and normal information can't be found within the data to be surfaced, a message displays and the surfacing operation is cancelled.

The Calculate Outputs panel is identical, regardless of the reconstruction method you have chosen or settings applied.

Activity Steps:

  1. Display the Point Reconstruction Console.
  2. Create, load or import a scenario using the Create Scenario panel.
  3. Choose a suitable reconstruction method using the Define Scenario panel. Ensure Subsample input points is checked.
  4. If required, Subsample the input point cloud.
  5. If required for the chosen reconstruction method, specify surface normal calculation parameters using the Calculate Normals panel.

  6. If required for the chosen method, Configure Surfacing parameters.

  7. Activate the Calculate Outputs panel.

  8. Confirm the Point data to be surfaced is what you expected. If not, select the file to be surfaced. Note that, if using the Poisson, SSD or Balanced methods, point data must be appended with normal information via the fields NORMALX, NORMALY and NORMALZ.

  9. To automatically load the generated wireframe data into the 3D view after creation, check Auto load?

  10. To generate a single wireframe file pair based on the current scenario's settings, click Generate Surface File. Surface file generation time will vary but can be several minutes for large or dense data inputs.

    Alternatively, recreate all intermediate data files for the current scenario (potentially a subsampled and normalized points file, depending on the chosen method) using Recreate All Outputs. A progress indicator displays during processing.

  11. Review your output wireframe.

  12. Save your project and, if prompted, generated data files.

To import or export data to transfer settings between projects and systems:

  • To export the current scenario's settings, click Export Settings and specify an .xml file name. This file can be shared with other point reconstruction users.

  • To import previously exported settings, click Import Settings and select a point reconstruction .xml file.

    The Point Reconstruction Console settings update to reflect the imported information.

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