Process Help

A full description of the export-data process.

EXPORT (export-data)


The EXPORT process allows data to be exported to a number of data sources by making use of data source drivers.

How to use

  • Specific sources include drivers for CAD, GIS, orebody modeling and mine planning software.
  • Generic sources include drivers for SQL database tables, spreadsheets and text files.
  • Data types include point, line, wireframe, dtm, drillhole, polygon, string and table.
  • Import and export drivers available for most data types. Once data has been imported the datamine file can be refreshed from the original data source by using a File Browser.  Simply select a file, and from the context menu select "Refresh Data". The EXPORT process runs a program called dsdie.exe which is installed with your system. The location of this executable is defined in datamine.env and icon.env by use of the environment variable DATA_IMPORT_COMMAND.