Process Help PLOTMX - plot an oblique section through a block model with annotation and shading |
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Plots the intersection of a block model with any plane.
How to use
The plane may be specified by its centre, size, azimuth and dip; end points and vertical limits of a vertical section; corner points and RL for a plan; or a section from a standard section definition file. The polygonal outlines, representing the intersections with model cells and sub-cells, may be colored using a model file field; shaded or solid colour filled using intervals on a model file field with an optional legend; or annotated with one or more field values or a symbol.
Features of PLOTMX include; shrinking of block outlines; annotation of up to 10 fields offset from one of 5 reference positions; default and user defined titles; icon showing the orientation of the plane; legend; plotting of grids and control of character size and color for annotations, titles and other plot components.
PLOTMX may be used for reproducing views of a block model with additional annotation options. Plots from PLOTMX are particularly useful for superimposing when creating outlines for underground design and stope evaluation. It adds to Datamine the ease of producing views of a block model on any general plane.
The process will accept a block model which has been defined using the Rotated Model option in PROTOM. A message will be displayed to show that the model has been identified as having the reserved Rotated Model fields. The main restrictions when using rotated models are that the position of the annotation must be relative to the cell centre, and vertical exaggeration is not permitted.
A 'box' is defined as the intersection of the specified plane with a model cell or sub-cell. Such boxes may be irregular in shape if the plane is oblique.
Files, Fields and Parameters
Input FilesName | Description | I/O Status | Required | Type |
IN | Input model file. This must contain the fields XC, YC, ZC, XINX, YINC, ZINC, XMORIG, YMORIG, ZMORIG, NX, NY, NZ, IJK. If it is a Rotated Model then it must also include the fields X0, Y0, Z0, ANGLE1, ANGLE2, ANGLE3, ROTAXIS1, ROTAXIS2, ROTAXIS2. | Input | Yes | Block Model |
PROTO | Plot prototype file. Must contain the fields X, Y, S1, S2, CODE, (numeric, explicit) and XMIN, XMAX, YMIN, YMAX, XSCALE, YSCALE (numeric, implicit). If these last 6 values set in PROTO , then corresponding parameters need not be set. | Input | Yes | Plot Prototype |
SECTION | Optional section definition file. Must contain the fields SVALUE,XCENTRE,YCENTRE, ZCENTRE,SDIP,SAZI,DPLUS,DMINUS,HSIZE,VSIZE | Input | No | Section Definition |
ANNFILE | Optional annotation input file for specifying annotations as an alternative to the interactive input. Only used if the ANNOTATE=1. Compulsory fields: FIELD A8- Field to annotate. CHARSIZE N - Annotate character size. N - Annotate colour. XOFFSET N - X offset in mm. YOFFSET N - Y offset in mm. ANGLE N - Angle of annotation. NDP N - Number of decimal places. Optional fields if FIELD is numeric: LOWER N - Lower bound non-inclusive. UPPER N - Upper bound inclusive. LOWER and UPPER define the range on FIELD for which the particular annotation will plotted. Special values - and + may be used. | Input | No | Undefined |
LEGEND | Optional shading legend input file which may be used as an alternative to interactive input. Only used if the SHADE=1. Compulsory fields: FIELD A8- Field to annotate, must be N. CODE N - Fillcode to use for shading. LOWER N - Lower bound non-inclusive. UPPER N - Upper bound inclusive. LOWER and UPPER define the range on FIELD for which the particular shading will plotted. Special values - and + may be used. Optional fields: N - Used if CODE is one of 1100 box outline; 1101-1105 hatchings; to set colour otherwise the shading colour is determined from fillcode. SHRINK N - Amount in mm the shaded box will be shrunk inside the true cell outline. If missing and BOX=1 then shrink will be set to 2 times the SHRINK value. | Input | No | Undefined |
Output Files
Name | I/O Status | Required | Type | Description |
PLOT | Output | Yes | Plot | Output plot file. |
Name | Description | Source | Required | Type | Default |
MODCOL | Model colour field, used preferentially for plotting box outline, symbol and pattern shading. | IN | No | Numeric | Undefined |
Name | Description | Required | Default | Range | Values | ||||||||||
CHARSIZE | Default character size in millimetres (2). | No | 2 | Undefined | Undefined | ||||||||||
CHARSMIN | Minimum character size in millimetres (1.3). | No | 1.3 | Undefined | Undefined | ||||||||||
ASPRATIO | Aspect ratio, width / ht. for chars (1.0). | No | 1.0 | Undefined | Undefined | ||||||||||
| Colour [as 'pen' number] for plot (1). | No | 1 | Undefined | Undefined | ||||||||||
| No | 1 | 0,1 | 0,1 | ||||||||||
SHRINK | box shrink to avoid overplot, in mm (0.5) | No | 0.5 | Undefined | Undefined | ||||||||||
| No | 0 | 0,1 | 0,1 | ||||||||||
ANNCOL | Default annotation colour (-). | No | - | Undefined | Undefined | ||||||||||
ANNPOS | Reference position for annotation offsets (1). If a Rotated Model is used then ANNPOS should be set to 1. | No | 1 | 1,5 | 1,2,3,4,5 | ||||||||||
| No | 1 | 0,1 | 0,1 | ||||||||||
BOXCOL | Default box colour (-). | No | - | Undefined | Undefined | ||||||||||
| No | 0 | 0,1 | 0,1 | ||||||||||
SYMBOL | Plotted symbol. Default (92). Point symbol number 91 : Circle (o) 92 : Cross (+) 93 : Cross (x) 94 : Triangle 95 : Box 96 : Diamond 97 : Star ( ) 98 : Pie Segment | No | 92 | Undefined | Undefined | ||||||||||
SYMSIZE | Symbol size in millimetres (0). 0 for no symbol. | No | 0 | Undefined | Undefined | ||||||||||
GRCOLR | Preferred grid colour (-). | No | - | Undefined | Undefined | ||||||||||
XGRIDINT | X grid interval, 0 no X grid (0). | No | 0 | Undefined | Undefined | ||||||||||
YGRIDINT | Y grid interval, 0 no Y grid (0). | No | 0 | Undefined | Undefined | ||||||||||
ZGRIDINT | Z grid interval, 0 no Z grid (0). | No | 0 | Undefined | Undefined | ||||||||||
XGRIDNDP | X grid number of decimal places (0). | No | 0 | Undefined | Undefined | ||||||||||
YGRIDNDP | Y grid number of decimal places (0). | No | 0 | Undefined | Undefined | ||||||||||
ZGRIDNDP | Z grid number of decimal places (0). | No | 0 | Undefined | Undefined | ||||||||||
ICONSIZE | Icon size (25). 0 for no icon. | No | 25 | Undefined | Undefined | ||||||||||
ICONCOL1 | Preferred icon box colour (-). | No | - | Undefined | Undefined | ||||||||||
ICONCOL2 | Preferred icon section colour (-). | No | - | Undefined | Undefined | ||||||||||
| No | 1 | 0,3 | 0,1,2,3 | ||||||||||
TITCOL | Preferred title colour (-). | No | - | Undefined | Undefined | ||||||||||
TITCHS | Preferred title character size (2). | No | 2 | Undefined | Undefined | ||||||||||
| No | 1 | 0,1 | 0,1 | ||||||||||
LEGCOL | Preferred legend colour (-). | No | - | Undefined | Undefined | ||||||||||
LEGCHS | Preferred legend character size (-). | No | - | Undefined | Undefined | ||||||||||
APPEND | Plot append flag. If set to 1 then the new plot will be appended to the PLOT file, if it exists and is a valid plot file (0). | No | 0 | 0,1 | 0,1 | ||||||||||
XSCALE | X scale in user data units per millimetre. If specified here or in PROTO this value will override section limits. | No | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | ||||||||||
YSCALE | Y scale in user data units per millimetre. If specified here or in PROTO this value will override section limits. | No | Undefined | Undefined | Undefined | ||||||||||
VERTEXAG | Controls vertical exaggeration. This must be set to allow different scales. The default is forced equal scales (1). If the input model is a Rotated Model then the process will always set VERTEXAG to 1 and display a warning message. = 0 allows different scales for both axes determined by XSCALE and YSCALE if provided or else by filling the data area to the section limits. > 0 sets value of XSCALE/YSCALE. = 1 forces equal scales. | No | 1 | Undefined | Undefined |
PLOT TITLE > Only prompted if TITLE=1.
Set section orientation as follows :-
>>> Supply 1,2, or 3 (or 4) as appropriate.
If 1 selected, interaction as follows -
| XC > | X co-ordinate of centre of plane |
| YC > | Y co-ordinate of centre of plane |
| ZC > | Z co-ordinate of centre of plane |
| DIP> | Dip of section plane |
| AZI> | Azimuth of section plane |
| HSIZE > | Horizontal size of section plane |
| VSIZE > | Vertical size of section plane |
These are then echoed back, followed by the prompt
| ARE THESE CORRECT (Y/N)? | If any reply other than Y or y, interaction repeated from the beginning. |
If 2 selected, interaction as follows -
| X1 > | X co-ordinate of bottom left corner of section plane |
| Y1 > | Y co-ordinate of bottom left corner of section plane |
| X2 > | X co-ordinate of top right corner of section plane |
| Y2 > | Y co-ordinate of top right corner of section plane |
| Z1 > | Z co-ordinate of bottom left corner of section plane |
| Z2 > | Z co-ordinate of top right corner of section plane |
These are then echoed back, followed by the prompt
| ARE THESE CORRECT (Y/N)? | If any reply other than Y or y, interaction repeated from the beginning. |
If 3 selected, interaction as follows -
| X1 > | X co-ordinate of bottom left corner of section plane |
| Y1 > | Y co-ordinate of bottom left corner of section plane |
| X2 > | X co-ordinate of top right corner of section plane |
| Y2 > | Y co-ordinate of top right corner of section plane |
| ZC > | Z co-ordinate of section plane. |
These are then echoed back, followed by the prompt
| ARE THESE CORRECT (Y/N)? | If any reply other than Y or y, interaction repeated from the beginning. |
If 4 selected, interaction is as follows:-
| Enter required SVALUE field, or ? for a list of available sections. |
| DATA > | Only prompted if ANNOTATE=1 and no ANNFILE. The user is requested to enter the following information for each field to be plotted: |
| Field Name, Character Size, Colour, X Offset, Y Offset, Angle, Number of Decimal Places, and optionally lower and upper. Data items can be duplicated from previous entry by using consecutive commas. Up to 64 records can be specified terminating with a blank line. The data for each field must be specified on a single line separating data items with commas. When data entry is terminated the user is prompted to enter 1 to start again, 2 to add more fields or 3 to start plotting. |
| FIELD > | Only prompted if SHADE=1 and no LEGEND. The user is requested to enter the model field used for shading. |
| DATA > | Only required if SHADE=1 and no LEGEND. The user is requested to enter the following information for each shading range: Fill Code, Minimum Value, Maximum Value, and optionally Color and Shrink. The previous maximum value can be used as the current minimum value by using consecutive commas for the minimum value field. Up to 64 ranges can be specified terminating with a blank line. The data for each range must be specified on a single line separating data items with commas. When data entry is terminated the user is prompted to enter 1 to start again (includes re-entry of shade field), 2 to add more ranges and 3 to start plotting. |
Example 1
This example illustrates the cell annotation features of PLOTMX. Two fields are annotated with different character sizes offset from a centered symbol. The plane is a north-south section specified by its end points. The section is scaled into the data are as specified by the plot prototype and the icon is plotted in the margin area.
| 1 |
| 200 |
| 150 |
| 10 |
| 10 |
| 160 |
| 110 |
| OK |
| PLOTMX - Annotated with Au and Rock type. |
| 2 |
| 8140 |
| 6500 |
| 8140 |
| 6530 |
| 375 |
| 395 |
| Y |
| AU,2,1,-3,1.5,0,1 |
| ROCK,3,1,-1,-4,0,0 |
| 3 |
Example 2
This example illustrates the use of PLOTMX for an oblique section as defined by its azimuth, dip centre point and size. The cells have been shaded according to different intervals on the AU field. A legend has been specified and grid lines for both eastings and northings plotted.
| PLOTMX - oblique plane shade by AU |
| 1 |
| 8130 X centre |
| 6510 Y centre |
| 380 Z centre |
| 90 Dip |
| 30 Azimuth |
| 35 Horizontal size |
| 25 Vertical size |
| Y |
| AU |
| 1128,0,1.0 |
| 1130,1,10 |
| 1138,10,100 |
| 3 |
Example 3
This example illustrates the specification of a general plane (dip = 41 , azimuth = 31 ).
| PLOTMX - Oblique plane annotated with rock type |
| 1 |
| 8130 X centre |
| 6510 Y centre |
| 375 Z centre |
| 41 Dip |
| 31 Azimuth |
| 70 Horizontal size |
| 50 Vertical size |
| Y |
| ROCK,2,1,0,0,0,0 |
| 3 |
Error and Warning Messages
Message | Description | Solution |