Haulage Information: Rock Destinations

An explanation of fields and properties

Haulage Information: Rock Destinations

To access this dialog:

  • In the Haulage Information dialog, select the Ore Destinations tab.

Each rock type/processing method should have a valid haulage destination.

If some of the destinations have limited storage capacities, you should ensure that, in total, there is enough capacity to accommodate the combined rock mass; otherwise, scheduling will be aborted before completion. You can also select to define two truck types. If you define two truck types the Haulage Information window displays three tabs: one for Exit Benches, one for Ore Destinations and one for Waste Destinations.

Field Details:

Truck and Ramp Parameters

Reference Speed: speed to be used to calculate EFH distances. Usually this is the flat haul speed of a fully loaded truck

Avg Wait at Load Point: average time haulage trucks are waiting at loading location before loading

Loading Time: average time to load a haulage truck

Avg Wait at Dump Point: average time haulage trucks are waiting at dumping location before unloading

Dumping Time: average time to unload a haulage truck.

Additional Wait Tim (min): mine-specific waiting time.

Total Wait Time: sum of above waiting times; it is calculated automatically

Truck Availability: average haulage truck availability including utilization and all down times

Truck Size: average truck load

Down Ramp Speed: speed of haulage trucks travelling down the ramp

Up Ramp Speed: speed of haulage trucks travelling up the ramp.

Ramp Gradient: ramp gradient in percentage

Destination: list box to add, edit, delete, change the order of the rock destinations

Parameters: select a destination and click this button to edit destination properties using the Define Mill Parameters dialog

Check Complete:message displays informing you if there are destinations left to define


      OK: saves the data and closes the window,

      Cancel: closes the window without saving the data,

      Apply: saves the data without closing the window

openbook.gif (910 bytes)

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