MAO-MFO Optimization Settings (FMS)

Using Optimization Settings dialog for FMS

FMS: Schedule Pushbacks and Optimize Material Allocation

To access this dialog:

  • Using the Optimization control bar, select Allocation & Flow | Settings... and select the Optimization tab.

The Flexible Material Scheduler settings on this page are available once the FMS: Schedule Pushbacks and optimize material allocation option is chosen.

Field Details

Select files: you can choose from one of the following options:

  • NPVS Pushbacks starting at default Topography: this option instructs the scheduler to use the NPVS-generated pushbacks and is the default setting.

  • Other pit sequences and/or Topographies: after selecting this option click Define to open the Input Files for Flexible Material Scheduler dialog where you can select the input files.

    The dialogs are different for single mine and multimine projects. For the latter, you select the files for each mine; you can also exclude any particular mine from scheduling.

    In any period, FMS mines either nothing or the lesser of the user defined value and the whole pushback content.

  • Another MMS generated pit sequence (Multimine only):after selecting this option click Define to open the Input Files for Flexible Material Scheduler dialog where you can select NPVS-generated multimine input files other than the default topography and/or the pushback file.

Schedule until: the following schedule stop conditions can be set:

  • As long as solutions are found: FMS will continue the solution process until it fails to find a feasible solution (meaning schedule that satisfies all the targets).: this is the default setting.
  • Select period: FMS will continue until the indicated period unless it fails to find a solution at an earlier period.

Mining rate control:  Unless you set minimum mining rate, FMS may come up with a zero solution (do nothing) at periods when the revenue is negative; for example, when there is no ore to mine before mining some waste.

  • Set minimum mining rate to: set a minimum tonnage for all periods using this option.

  • Set variable minimum and/or maximum rates: this option allows for changing the rates over time and for setting the maximum as well as minimum rates. After selecting this option click Define to open the Mining Rates Limits dialog where you can set the rates to either tonnage coming from the mine, from the mine and reclaimed from stockpiles or from the mine, external sources and reclaimed from stockpiles.

Adjust control parameters: click to display the Flexible Material Scheduler Control Parameters dialog. This is used to control several aspects of the MIP formulation and its resolution depending on the selected options.

Define constraints by pushback...: this button opens the Flexible Material Scheduler Pushback Control Parameters dialog.

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FMS Control Parameters Settings