MAO Haulage Destinations

used to set the destination of the hauled material

MAO Haulage Information: Haulage Destinations

To access this dialog:

  • Using the Optimization control bar, select Allocation & Flow | Haulage Info... and select the Haulage Destinations tab.

The Haulage Destinations dialog is used to set the destination of the hauled material whether the destination is a plant, stockpile or waste dump. Parameters for each destination define the haul cycle time from the pit(s) and to the stockpiles.

Field Details:

MAO Haulage Information/haulage Destinations tab: used to verify which stockpiles can supply the selected Mine Source material to the selected haulage destination.

Destinations: box listing available destinations for the hauled material:

Travel parameters

Edit...: used to define the travel parameters from the pit to the entry point and within the destination. The first Edit... button displays the Define <selected destination> Parameters

Edit...: used to define the travel parameters from stockpiles to the entry point of the destination. The second Edit... button displays the Surface distances from stockpiles to <selected destination>.

Add or delete a dump: window A displays if you defined one truck type

Add: when clicked creates and adds the dump name to the destination list box

Delete: when clicked deletes the selected dump name from the destination list box

Mine sources: list of available mine sources. A mine source is a material (ex. Oxide or Sulfide). When you select a Mine source, the Stockpiles where the material is stored displays in the Stockpiles list box.

Stockpiles: list of available stockpiles. When you select a Stockpile all the mine sources store in the stockpile display.

Check Complete: displays a message dialog informing you if there are undefined destinations left

OK/Cancel/Apply: OK saves and closes the dialog, Cancel closes without saving the changes and Apply saves the changes without closing the dialog

Add or delete a dump (ore and waste trucks require separate dumps): window B displays if you defined two truck types

Add dump for ore types: used to add a dump for ore types

Add dump for waste types: used to add a dump for waste types

editable field: used to type the name of the dump to add

Add: when clicked creates and adds the dump name to the destination list box

Delete: when clicked deletes the selected dump name from the destination list box

Mine sources: list of available mine source materials (example: Oxide)

Stockpiles: list of available stockpiles that can stock one or several mine source materials

Check complete: button to verify if all required fields are complete

OK/Cancel/Apply: OK saves and closes the dialog, Cancel closes without saving the changes and Apply saves the changes without closing the dialog


openbook.gif (910 bytes)
Related Topics


Haulage Information: Define Destination