Surface Distances from Stockpiles to Destination

used to select a stockpile or external source

Surface Distances from Stockpiles to Destination

To access this dialog:

  • Using the Haulage Destinations panel, Travel parameters group, click the Edit button relating to From stockpiles to the entry point.

Field Details:

dropdown list: used to select a stockpile or external source and edit its parameters.

Time from Stockpile to destination (min): used to enter the time it takes in minutes to travel from the Stockpile to the destination.

EFH distance from Stockpile to destination (m): the Equivalent Flat Haul distance from the Stockpile to the destination.

Time from destination to Stockpile (min): enter the time it takes in minutes to travel from the destination to the Stockpile.

EFH distance from destination to Stockpile (m): the Equivalent Flat Haul distance from the destination to the Stockpile

The Equivalent Flat Haul (EFH) distances are automatically computed by the Scheduler and depend on the user-defined reference speed and travel times to and from stockpiles.
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MAO Haulage Information: Haulage Destinations