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For selected polygons in any 3D window, this command creates a new polygon which contains the area common to all of them, and deletes the original strings used to create the overlap.

How to Use

  1. Create overlapping polygons using either the new-polygon or new-string command:

note.gif (1017 bytes)      

When creating each polygon, you can specify a different color as follows:

  • In the Current Objects toolbar, select the current object or create a new one. More...

  • In the Current Objects toolbar, select [COLOUR] from the Attribute drop-down list, and specify a color - More....


  1. Select all overlapping polygons and run the polygon-intersectioncommand. A new polygon is created that contains the area common to all overlapping polygons, highlighted below, and is colored the same as the last polygon you created:


openbook.gif (910 bytes)
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