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  • If overlapping polygons are selected in any 3D window, this command creates a new polygon which contains the area inside all of them.
  • If separate polygons are selected in any 3D window, this command creates an identical polygon for each selected item.

How to Use

  1. Create overlapping polygons using either the new-polygon or new-string command:

note.gif (1017 bytes)      

When creating each polygon, you can specify a different color as follows:

  • In the Current Objects toolbar, select the current object or create a new one. More...

  • In the Current Objects toolbar, select [COLOUR] from the Attribute drop-down list, and specify a color - More....


  1. Select all overlapping polygons, and run the polygon-unioncommand.

  2. A new polygon is created that contains the area inside all overlapping polygons, and is colored the same as the last polygon you created:


openbook.gif (910 bytes)
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