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Edit ribbon | Transform | Rotate


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Rotates a string interactively about a fixed anchor point.

How to Use

  1. Run the command. You will be prompted to "Select anchor point on any string".

  2. Select the anchor point and the cursor will change to .

  3. Drag this and the selected string will rotate about the defined anchor point. The angle of rotation and the azimuth in the view plane from the rotation point to the cursor location is reported in the message area of the status bar.

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This command is affected by parameters that have been defined for your project. In the Design window, movement will always be made in an orbit that aligns with the current orthogonal view. In the VR window, however, there are two possible ways that rotation can be performed:

  • Data can be rotated relative to the screen (that is, around a plane that is orthogonal to the current camera view) - this is very similar to the behaviour of the Design window, or;

  • Data can be rotated relative to the current data plane. This "3D" rotation allows the planar alignment of data to be maintained regardless of the position and direction of the VR 'camera'.

You can review and adjust your settings for rotation by accessing File | Project Settings | Points and Strings and selecting either the Move relative to plane or Move relative to screen options, found within the String/Point Movement command group.


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