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Translate one or more selected strings by a defined distance in each of the X, Y and Z directions, optionally repeating the translation a number of times.

 Preselecting data obviates the need to click on multiple items when running this command.

How to Use

  1. Run the command.

  2. Following the prompt in the Status Bar, select the required string or multiple strings.

  3. In the Translate String dialog, choose how you wish to translate the selected string data; either By XYZ Distance or By Slope Distance (Azimuth/Gradient)

  4. Enter the translation values for the selected translation mode.

  5. Choose if you wish to repeat the translation a number of times (say, to produce bench crest strings at fixed intervals from the target string or strings). Enter the number of repetitions required in the Repeat field.

  6. Click OK

  7. A new string or multiple strings will be created, in world coordinates, according to these translations.

  8. Alternatively, select a string or multiple strings before running this command.

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