Customize Menu

Setting Studio 3StudioOP drop-down menu settings.


To access this dialog:

  • Right-click an empty menu bar area and select Customize, then select the Menu tab.

  • Right-click a toolbar icon and select Customize, then select the Menu tab.

The Menu tab of the Customize dialog allows you to specify general settings for your application's drop-down menus. 

The following fields are available:

Field details:

Show Menus for: this drop-down list contains categories of menu commands. Selecting a category will update  the Select Context Menu list.

Reset: the Reset button is used to reset all menu items for the selected category. You will be prompted before this is done as the operation cannot be undone.

Menu Animations: choose from:

  • None: no menu animations will be performed.

  • Unfold: menus will unfold from the top downwards.

  • Slide: menus will slide into place.

  • Fade: menu will gradually fade into view.

note.gif (1017 bytes)

Not all menu transitional effects will be supported by all operating system/graphic card combinations. If you are having problems with the menu transitions, set the above field to [none].


Menu Shadows: if you wish to display shadowed menus, select this option.

Select context menu: select a menu from the list.

  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


Customize Dialog
Customization Tools

Customize Options

Customizing Commands

Customizing Keyboard Settings

Customizing Toolbars

Customizing Your Mouse