Save Evaluation Results Dialog

Saving the dynamic evaluation results to a table

Save Evaluation Results Dialog

To access this dialog:

  • Run the command dynamic-evaluation-report from the command line, enter the relevant settings and click OK. Click Save Results in the Table View dialog.

  • Activate the Report ribbon and select Evaluate Dynamic | Strings, then enter the relevant settings and click OK. Click Save Results in the Table View dialog.

The Save Evaluation Results dialog is used to store the results of a dynamic evaluation, optionally with summary totals, in a results object.

Field Details:

Results Object:

  • Results Object Name: define (type in) a new  or select an existing results object from the drop-down list.

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All data that are loaded are listed as objects in the Loaded Data control bar.



  • Store Totals Row: tick this check box to include summary evaluation totals for all categories. By default, evaluation field totals for all evaluation categories are not stored within the generated results object.

OK : create a dynamic evaluation results object in memory, or use the existing object, saving the evaluation results and close the dialog.


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This object can then be stored either as a physical file, or within the active project, using the proprietary project saving functions of Studio 3StudioOP (for more information, see Project File).

For more general information on running a dynamic evaluation, see Dynamic Evaluation Reports.


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Dynamic Evaluation Reports
Dynamic Evaluation Table View Dialog

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