
Synchronize schedule activities


To access this dialog:

The Synchronisation dialog is used to define activity synchronisation parameters for use in the Activity Schedule dialog.  


Field Details:

Earliest Start Time:

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This group of options is used to define activity synchronisation by start. It can be used in conjunction with the Earliest Finish Time options to define a start-finish window.


Fixed date and time: tick this box to define activity synchronisation start by Date and Time parameters.

Date: select a start Date.

Time: select a start Time.

By Activity: tick this box to define activity synchronisation start by activity.

Start/Finish: select either [Start] or [Finish].

Machine Type: select a Machine Type.

Machine Class: select a Machine Class.

Sequence: select a sequence option.


Earliest Finish Time:

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This group of options is used to define activity synchronisation by finish. It can be used in conjunction with the Earliest Start Time options to define a start-finish window.


Fixed date and time: tick this box to define activity synchronisation finish by Date and Time parameters.

Date: select a finish Date.

Time: select a finish Time.

By Activity: tick this box to define activity synchronisation finish by activity.

Start/Finish: select either [Start] or [Finish].

Machine Type: select a Machine Type.

Machine Class: select a Machine Class.

Sequence: select a sequence option.

OK: save changes and close the dialog;

Cancel: close the dialog without saving changes.


  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


Activity Schedule
Grid Format