Project Synchronisation Control Bar
To toggle the display of this control bar:
Home ribbon >> Show >> Project Synchronisation Bar.
Setup ribbon >> Show >> Project Synchronisation Bar.
System ribbon >> Show >> Project Synchronisation Bar.
The Project Synchronisation control bar connects your project to Datamine's MineTrust data sharing service.
The Project Synchronisation control bar supports MineTrust-aware projects.
Project Synchronization Control Bar
The Project Synchronization control bar lists your project files in a similar way to the Project Files control bar.
The bar shows all currently synchronized data alongside other properties that describe the state of each file.
Project Synchronisation control bar showing project files
The following properties are listed:
Tip: clicking a header cell sorts the table by the target column, either in increasing or decreasing order.
File name—The name of the file as it appears on disk, without the file path.
Folder—The location of the file, if a local copy exists.
If the local version of a file is currently stored in the project folder (the same location as your project file), a relative path is shown, for example, ".\MyFile.dmx" or ".\MapDatabase\Mine_Deep\Area51\Map_220_4\"
If the file is elsewhere, a fully-qualified path is listed, for example, "C:\Database\Reference\CorporateLegend.elg".
If no local file exists yet, this field is empty.
Type—What is the base format of the file? Datamine binary files (.dm, .dmx) are listed as Datamine Table, for example.
Datamine Type—If the Type is Datamine Table, this displays the category of data, such as Block Model, Drillhole, Estimation Parameters and so on.
Date Modified—The last modification to the file is shown here. This information can be useful in showing files modified recently.
Size—The size of the file on the local disk.
Rows—The number of data records within the file.
Columns—The number of attributes in the file.
Tags—If custom metadata has been added to the file in the form of tags, they appear here.
Note: You can tag any file in MineTrust (including legacy .dm files). Datamine's .dmx format also supports its own metadata storage (you can tag files using Table Editor), and these file-based tags display in the Project Synchronization control bar automatically.
Tip: filter data using the 'search' fields in the second row of the table. Filtering occurs after each character of text is entered. All columns can be used for filtering.
Synchronizing Project Data
The following activities assume a Microsoft Online endpoint has been configured, and that the MineTrust Connector is installed and running locally. See above for details.
To access the latest available version of your project files:
Open your project and display the Project Synchronization control bar
Refresh the current file list to ensure you have the latest copy of data.
To push the latest local changes to MineTrust for others to see:
Open your project and display the Project Synchronization control bar, or Refresh the current file list to ensure you have the latest copy of data.
Finish making your data changes.
Save your project and elect to save all files you intend to share.
In the Project Synchronization control bar, check all files containing changes you wish to commit to MineTrust.
Tip: use the check box in the uppermost cell to select or deselect all files at once.
Select Apply changes to update MineTrust with your latest file changes.
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