Histograms - Chart Data

Viewing a histogram's chart data

Viewing Chart Data

To access this dialog:

  • Open the Histogram dialog, select a chart from the histogram thumbnails pane, select the Chart Data tab.

For the selected chart, the Chart Data tab tabulates the histogram bin data.

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The Chart Data tab only contains data if the Individual Charts option was selected on the Data Selection tab. It is otherwise empty if the Compound Charts option was selected.


Field Details:

Chart Data: this group contains a table listing the histogram data, each record represents a histogram bin on the chart:

  • DATA: the bin number.

  • LOWER/MIDDLE/UPPER: the lower, middle and upper values of the selected bin.

  • MEAN: the arithmetic mean value of samples within each bin.

  • FREQUENCY: the number of samples in each bin.

  • CUM-FREQUENCY: the cumulative number of samples up to and including the current bin.

  • %FREQUENCY: the number of samples in the current bin expressed as a percentage of the total number of samples.

  • %CUM-FREQUENCY: the cumulative number of samples up to and including the current bin expressed as a percentage of the total number of samples

  • TOTAL: the total number of samples used for the selected histogram chart.

Additional Field Details for Probability Plots:

  • CUM-PROPORTION (U): the cumulative number of samples up to the upper limit of the current bin expressed as a proportion of the total number of samples.

  • CUM-PROPORTION (M): the cumulative number of samples up to the mid point of the current bin expressed as a proportion of the total number of samples.

  • INV-NORMAL: the inverse normal distribution values corresponding to the CUM-PROPORTION (M) values.

  • PROB-LINE: the INV-NORMAL value for the corresponding standard normal distribution.  This is used for plotting the model.

  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


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Histograms - Preview

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