add-zintersect-to-string ("azs")

See this command in the command table.

To access this command:

  • Surfaces ribbon  >> Design >> Tools >> Abort Trace

  • Edit ribbon | Tools >> More >> Abort Trace

  • Using the command line, enter "add-zintersect-to-string "

  • Use the quick key combination "azs".

  • Display the Find Command screen, locate add-zintersect-to-string and click Run.

Command Overview

Add one or more vertices to string data at the specified elevation

String shape is unaffected by this command. An additional vertex (or vertices where a string passes through the same elevation more than once) is added to the target string.

  • If you select data first, only that selection is updated. If no intersection can be found between the string and the target elevation in this scenario, the command ends.

  • If no data is selected, once an elevation is picked, successive strings can be picked. If no intersection can be found for any data, a message is shown.

Command Steps:

  1. Optionally, select string data in a 3D window. If data is preselected, only that data is modified, if possble.

  2. Run the command.

  3. Enter a Z Intersect Value. This is the elevation (the Z value) that will be used to create a new point on the target string data.

  4. Click OK.

    If data was preselected, a new data point is added to any occurrence of the string passing through the target elevation.

    If data was not preselected, pick a string to update.

  5. If data wasn't preselected beforehand, click Done to complete the command. If data was preselected, the command ends automatically.

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