blend-mining-blocks ("bb")

See this command in the command table.

To access this command:

  • Using the command line, enter "blend-mining-blocks"

  • Display the Find Command screen, locate blend-mining-blocks and click Run.

Command Overview

Blend selected blocks according to specified targets.

This command automatically schedules the correct proportion of material from some or all of the selected blocks to meet specified targets. Blocks are selected for the blend by use of the select-mining-blocks command. Tonnage zones can also be selected for input into the blending. Mining faces can be included in the blending by using the blend-fam-faces-switch.

Targets are set up for destinations or alphanumeric fields. A target can be set up for a destination by selecting the target button by the destination label. When you do this the destination panel changes to show the current targets specified for that destination. A minimum and/or a maximum value can be entered for any number of fields for each destination. A minimum value of '-' or a maximum value of '+' means that you don't care what the minimum or maximum should be. For example if you select DEST1 and enter 5000 for a minimum value and + for a maximum value then the blending will ensure that at least 5000 tonnes is scheduled into DEST1.

It is possible to minimise or maximise the value to be scheduled for a field. If you wish to minimise TONNES going to DEST1 then select the DEST1 button and enter '-' for both the minimum and the maximum targets. Similarly to maximise a field enter '+' for both the minimum and maximum targets. Only one field can be minimised or maximised.

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