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Define a new mining face.

How to Use

When this command is used to define a new face you will be requested to select the required face segments on any available perimeter. In cases where segments from different perimeters overlay each other, the perimeter selected will be the one on which the cursor pick is inside. A face may be comprised of a number of segments, as long as they are adjacent. A perimeter may also be comprised of a number of separate faces. Identified faces will be shown with a small filled triangle pointing inwards. If the perimeter containing the selected face is anti-clockwise, it will be made clockwise automatically. When the face has been selected you will be asked to enter an advance rate per time unit for the new face. If an error has been made during face selection, the command deselect-face may be used to reverse the effects of face selection.

Selecting tonnage zones

The select-face command can be used to activate tonnage zones once they have been defined using the assign-results command. You will be prompted for the extraction tonnage per time unit. After selection the tonnage zone will be shown with filled squares to indicate it is now active

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Data selection is further controlled by the settings in the Snapping toolbar and the Overlay Selection dialog.