change-period ("cpe")

See this command in the command table.

To access this command:

  • Using the command line, enter "change-period".

  • Use the quick key combination "cpe".

  • Display the Find Command screen, locate change-period and click Run.

Command Overview

Change the current calendar period to a different one.

Command steps:

  1. Run the command

  2. Specify a period number to change to. The default is always the next period after the current one.

    The specified period becomes the current period, and any scheduling done will have this period's time number assigned in the TIMENO entry for those results file records generated.

    Note: If the selected period is one period ahead of the current period, and auto-progress-switch is ON, any units which have been mined in the previous unit will be mined automatically in the new period, advancing those faces as appropriate.

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