create-road-segment-out ("rseo")

See this command in the command table.

To access this command:

  • Using the command line, enter "create-road-segment-out"

  • Use the quick key combination "rseo".

  • Display the Find Command screen, locate create-road-segment-out and click Run.

Command Overview

Creates a road outline on the inside of a string using a specified gradient and width.

This will create a new string defining the outline of a road. You are asked to point with the cursor to the start of the road. The points selected must be on the selected string. If there is no selected string you are asked to select one. You are then asked to indicate the direction of the road using the cursor. Prompts are then given for the elevation at which the road outline must end, the road width, and the road gradient.

Tip: Whilst digitizing, you can complete the digitizing operation by double-clicking or double-tapping the final string vertex position. You can also complete the digitizing operation by closing the string.

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