Create Isoshells - Condition

Describing fields and properties

Create Isoshells - Condition

To access this dialog:

The Condition tab in the Create IsoShells dialog allows you to condition the input data before it is passed to the interpolator - only available for Continuous isoshells.

Field Details:

Top/Bottom Cut: allows you to impose upper and lower limits on the input sample.

Maximum value: select this check-box, and type a value in the accompanying box - any input values which are greater than the number you specify will be reset to this value.

Minimum value: select this check-box, and type a value in the accompanying box - any values which are less than the amount you specify will be ignored.

Transform: allows data to be transformed to a different distribution after any Top or Bottom cut is performed, and before interpolation onto a regular grid.

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The isolevel values you supply are also transformed internally - you do not need to consider the transform  process when specifying isolevels.

: input data is not transformed.

Log transform: a conversion to the log (Logarithm) of the input data is performed.

Normal transform: maps the input data to fit a normal distribution.

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If the input sample distribution is approximately lognormal, then the normal and log transformations will usually reduce the effect of high sample values.

: after generating isoshells by clicking OK, clicking Restore allows parameters, which are automatically saved, to be restored.

OK: generates isoshells using the parameters which you have specified.

Cancel: closes the Create IsoShells dialog without saving any parameters.

  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


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