Estimate Dialog

Grade estimation using the ESTIMATE dialog


The Estimate dialog can be accessed by either of the following methods:

  • Activate the Estimate ribbon and click the top-level Interpolate button, or

  • type 'ESTIMATE' in the Command window.

The Estimate Dialog

Estimate offers all the functionality of ESTIMA and INDEST (excluding unfolding), plus more, through a tailored dialog. It includes the ability to save and restore Unfolding criteria, search volume, estimation type and variogram model information through the use of parameter files.

The Estimate dialog comprises a series of tabs that follow the process of grade estimation from left to right. Each tab may contain controls and fields, or additional sub-tabs. There is a large range of commands and settings available, with a dedicated context-sensitive Help topic provided for each tab (see Related Topics, below).

  • TheFilesscreen: used to define the various input and output files associated with grade estimation processes. More...

  • The Unfolding screen: used to edit the fields and parameters associated with a specified Unfold parameters file. More...

  • TheSearchVolumes screen: used to define/edit search volume parameters using the available fields, or to import/export a Search Volume Parameters file. More...

  • TheVariogramModels screen: used to define/edit variogram models using the available fields, or import/export a Variogram Model Parameter file. More...

  • TheEstimationTypes screen: used to create new estimations, edit existing estimations, or to import/export an Estimation Parameter file. More...

  • TheControlsscreen: used to define zonal control parameters. More...

  • ThePreviewscreen: used to view a summary of the defined files, fields and parameters. More...

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The following buttons are also available at the bottom of this screen:

Restore: restores the settings added prior to the lastRunof theEstimatedialog. This will restore all settings on all screens.

Clear: reset all fields on all screens to their default values.

Previous/Next: move backwards or forwards one screen in the order ofEstimatescreens.

Run: run the current grade estimation, launching theESTIMAprocess.

Cancel: cancel theESTIMATEprocess without running an estimation.

  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


Estimate Dialog - Files
Estimate Dialog - Unfolding
Estimate Dialog - Search

Estimate Dialog - Variogram

Estimate Dialog - Estimation

Estimate Dialog - Controls

Estimate Dialog - Preview

Introduction to Grade Estimation and Interpolation

Grade Estimation Methods