Estimate: Preview

Using the Preview screen of the Estimate dialog.

Estimate - Preview Screen

To access this dialog:

  • Activate the Estimate ribbon and click the top-level Interpolate button, and select Next until you reach the Preview tab.

  • Type 'ESTIMATE' in the Command window. In the Estimate dialog,  select Next until you reach the Preview tab.

The Preview screen shows a summary of all defined parameters made on previous screens of the Estimate dialog. The following tabs are provided on this screen:

  • Settings: shows general grade estimation settings that will be used to process the data displayed on the Summary tab.

  • Summary: an 'at a glance' view of the parameters associated with the current grade estimation, split into Files, Fields and Parameters sections.

When all settings have been checked and, if necessary, edited on this screen, click Run to start the grade estimation calculation, and to display a grade estimation report in the Command window (if this is not displayed, then enable it before running a grade estimation (activate the View ribbon and select Window | Activate | Command).

Settings Tab Field Details:

The Settings tab contains the following read-only fields:

Files: shows a summary of the input and output files specified on the Files screen of this dialog.

Estimates: shows the total number of estimation types defined for each method (Nearest Neighbour, Inverse Power of Distance etc.), and whether Indicator Kriging is to be performed.

In the case of ordinary and simple kriging estimation types, the preview screen will show a further breakdown showing the split between log and macro kriging methods, e.g.:

Options: a summary of the general estimation controls and options can be found in this section, such as whether zonal control is being used, discretisation methods, parent cell estimation parameters etc.

Summary Tab Field Details:

The Summary tab shows the Files, Fields and Parameters that will be applied when Estimate (and subsequently, ESTIMA) is run. These settings relate to the same settings found in the ESTIMA dialog, and is broken down into the following main sections:

Files: defines the files to be used in grade estimation, indexed according to the parameter file definition used in the ESTIMA process:

  • PROTO: the input prototype model file.

  • IN: the input sample data file.

  • SRCPARM: the search volume parameter file.

  • ESTPARM: the estimation parameter file.

  • MODEL: the output model file.

  • VMODPARM: the variogram model file.

  • STRING: the input string file containing the boundary limits for unfolding.

  • SAMPOUT: the sample output file.

For more information on these file parameters, refer to your ESTIMA command help.

Fields: a summary of the field details to be used in grade estimation purposes.

Parameters: a summary of the parameters to be used.

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The following buttons are also available along the bottom of this screen:

Restore: restores the settings added prior to the lastRunof theEstimatedialog. This will restore all settings on all screens.

Clear: reset all fields on all screens to their default values.

Previous: move backwards one screen in the order of Estimate screens

Run: run the current grade estimation, launching theESTIMAprocess.

Cancel: cancel theESTIMATEprocess without running an estimation.


  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


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Estimate Dialog - Files

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Grade Estimation Parameter Summary

Grade Estimation Parameter File