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wireframe-between-surfaces-intersecting |
Structure ribbon | Operations | DTMs | Solid Between Intersecting DTMs |
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Outputs a closed wireframe describing the volume between the Upper and Lower DTMs.
Unlike the wireframe-under-surface or wireframe-under-surface-intersecting commands, both cut and fill volumes will be created with this command.
This command displays the Wireframe Volume between intersecting DTMs dialog.
Note: This command supports flexible wireframe selection.
How to Use
If you're planning to run this command against previously selected triangles (as opposed to full data objects) you can either select your triangle data before or after launching the command, but before command execution.
Run the command.
Select or pick an Upper DTM and Lower DTM (it doesn't matter which is which as both above/below volumes are created). You can either pick an existing wireframe object or, if you plan to generate data between DTMs represented by selected triangles, choose the Selected triangles option for either surface, or both. A combination of Selected triangles and Object is permitted.
If you are using Selected triangles for either the upper or lower DTM, you will need to select Store current selection after your triangle selection has been made. -
You can output the calculated closed volume either within the Current object, an existing wireframe object (pick it from the list) or a new object (type a new name).
Click OK.
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Related Topics |
wireframe-under-surfacewireframe-under-surface-intersecting Wireframe Volume between intersecting DTMsSelecting Wireframe Data |