Using Section Masters

Section Masters

Using a section master

The section definition in one view can be used to control the display of data in other section and 3D views.

Why use a section master?

Defining a section master allows you to create multiple views in plan, transverse and 3D all using the same section definition. Changing the section definition (width, dip and azimuth) in one view is automatically applied to all views that use the section master. Changing the section position (using the Next and Previous commands) in any one of these views is applied to all views.

To define the section master

  1. Select the view containing the section definition you wish to make the master.

  1. Activate thePlot ViewribbonsSection | Master | Set Section Mastercommand

    If a message is displayed stating there is no current section master, click OK to set the currently selected section as the master.


To apply the section master to another view

  1. Insert a new section,  plan or 3D view using the Manageribbon'sSheetmenu, or copy an existing view using Edit|  Copy Sheet.

  1. Set the view direction and other view properties by activating thePlot Viewribbon and selectingView | Set

  1. Activate the View Choose Window|  New Window, arrange the windows so that the master section view is displayed in one and the new view is displayed in the other window.

  1. Select the new view (the one you wish to apply the master section to) and choose Section |  Apply Section Master.

  1. The section definition in the selected view is changed to the section master definition without changing the view settings. Thus if the section master is an EW section and the view being changed is a plan view, then the plan view will only display the holes and 3D objects inside the limits of the EW section.

  1. Select any view defined by the section master and use the  Next, Previous,  Wider,  Narrower and  Custom commands to demonstrate the effect of changing the section position, width and orientation simultaneously in all views. You can apply the section master to as many views as you wish.

With regards to the Plots window (and to a lesser extent, the Logs window), much of the hierarchical structure of a particular sheet can be stored in template form. This minimizes the effort required to generate a consistent look and feel across a range of presentation projects by automatically generating a standard arrangement of sheets, projections and, if required, data object overlays.

Find out more about Plot Templates...

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Creating and defining sections
Changing sheet and view properties