Linked Replica Wizard
- Activate the Plots window then select Manage ribbon | Insert | Sheet | Custom then select Linked Replica from the Plot Item Library.
The linked replica wizard will enable you, by logical steps, to create one or more linked replicas of a chosen object within the current document. The wizard is intelligent in so far as it will skip irrelevant steps such as asking about items in the clipboard if the clipboard is empty.
Wizard Step |
Choose |
To Do This.. |
Please select the paper size for this sheet |
From the list of paper sizes |
Set the paper size |
Please select the paper orientation for this sheet |
From list of orientations |
Set whether portrait or landscape |
What would you like this replica to contain? |
Whether to select the content now or later |
Set whether there will be an arrangement of replica sheets in rows and columns or whether there will be a blank sheet to which items may be added by copying and pasting |
Select the plot/sheet you want to replicate |
An item or sheet from the list |
Select the sheet or plot that you wish to replicate one or more times |
The source item (Item Name) consists of nn pages. How do you want to replicate these pages on this sheet? |
Between current page, all pages and selected pages |
Set how many replicas there should be on the sheet |
Pages to display. From page. |
A page number |
To set the first page of a range of pages when "Selected pages" has been selected |
Pages to display. To page. |
A page number |
To define the end of the range of pages when "Selected pages" has been selected |
Do you want the number of rows and columns to be set automatically? |
Yes or No |
Either to allow the program to arrange the replicas or to set the number of rows and columns of replicas yourself |
Number of columns? |
An integer |
Set the number of columns of replicas across the sheet when "No" was answered to the automatic arrangement question |
Number of rows? |
An integer |
Set the number of rows of replicas down the sheet when "No" was answered to the automatic arrangement question. The program will set a default to fit the correct number of replicas on the sheet (where possible). This can be changed to run over to a second, or more, page(s). |
You have copied 'Plot Item' to the clipboard. Do you want the replica to contain this plot item? |
Yes or No |
Set whether the clipboard contents will be pasted as a replica or whether you wish to choose something else to replicate. |